Ready to Work
The ability to communicate in English increases opportunities to obtain higher wage jobs and integrate more easily into local communities. Studies have shown that when working-age adults are more English proficient, they are less likely to live in poverty, more likely to be fully employed, and more likely to earn higher wages. English proficiency is critical not just for the economic well-being of workers, but for the economic stability of whole families.
Ready to Work (RTW) is a comprehensive program providing opportunities for people learning English (ESOL levels 1-3) to work towards economic self-sufficiency. English language learning is supplemented with job placement services and ongoing skills training opportunities appropriate for the student’s English proficiency level. Classes are held four days per week, featuring a workforce-readiness curriculum that includes career exploration, job-hunting skills, work-based communication, digital literacy and planning for next steps in employment or education.
With funding from City of Seattle’s Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs, Literacy Source offers a RTW class at our Learning Center in Lake City, . We also partner with Asian Counseling and Referral Service (ACRS) to offer two RTW classes in SE Seattle and Neighborhood House to offer a class at the High Point community center in West Seattle.
For more information on Ready to Work, please call our learning center at 206-782-2050. or click here for more information.
Banner photo courtesy of Alabastro Photography