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Volunteer Obituaries

We are deeply saddened by the loss of two of our beloved volunteers. We are so grateful for their contributions to Literacy Source and they will be missed.


Kyle was a valued part of the Literacy Source community for over 9 years, donating over 1,000 hours to tutoring and as a class assistant. She was a truly caring and thoughtful volunteer and the students loved working with her. She was one of the few tutors who tutored two students at the same time, neither of them wanted to give her up! Later on in her service she transitioned into the Citizenship program. These students need a special kind of tutor who can help them to be ready to take an interview and a test in English when the stakes are high. Kyle was that kind of special. It was a good thing when we could match a student with Kyle. She was steady, consistent, kind and focused. She was especially skilled with students who were lower-level English speakers. She helped many people become citizens. We miss her.



Nina was a valued member of the library volunteer team for 5 years, donating approximately 185 hours. We were lucky enough that Nina brought her SPL skills at a crucial time in our library development. She helped us transition the library to the digital world, creating a working catalog and implementing an online circulation system. Nina would come in regularly once a week and quietly and efficiently tackle any task in hand. We miss her and are very grateful for her steady,  detailed, and conscientious work that has made our library what it is today.


Our thoughts are with the families of both of these incredible volunteers, and we are so grateful that their legacies will continue with the generous support from their family and friends.

To find out more about planned giving, please contact our fund development manager, Stacey.

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Giờ hoạt động

Thứ Hai và Thứ Tư | 8 giờ sáng-3 giờ chiều

Thứ Ba và Thứ Năm | 8:30 sáng-3 giờ chiều

Thứ sáu | Chỉ theo lịch hẹn

Giờ có thể thay đổi dựa trên lịch học

Bản quyền 2024, Literacy Source, Mọi quyền được bảo lưu

Thiết kế trang web bởi LECK INC.

Nguồn học vấn

12360 Lake City Way NE Phòng #301

Seattle, WA 98125


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