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Literacy Source provides customized ESOL, digital skills, and other classes for adults in the workplace, as well as training with your staff on how to best communicate with non-native English speakers by assisting with curriculum and making materials accessible.  

Port of Seattle RTW S Field Trip.JPG

We provide customized ESOL, digital skills, and other classes for adults in the workplace, as well as training with your staff on how to best communicate with non-native English speakers by assisting with curriculum and making materials accessible.  


Literacy Source provides customized ESOL, digital skills, and other classes for adults in the workplace, as well as training with your staff on how to best communicate with non-native English speakers by assisting with curriculum and making materials accessible.  

Examples include beginning computer classes, and English classes as it relates to their job duties. 

For questions regarding setting up classes, trainings, or partnering with us, contact to discuss costs, potential outcomes, and ways we can work together.


Beyond Every Employer Podcast (COABE)


Literacy Source works with other partners, non profits, and employers to assist with accessible materials and trainings. 


Examples have included workshops on “Working with non-native English Speakers” and assessment and revamping of materials to be accessible for those with lower language or literacy skills.

To get started, contact to see how we can help.


Часы работы

Понедельник и среда | 8:00-15:00

Вторник и четверг | 8:30-15:00

Пятница | Только по предварительной записи

Часы работы могут меняться в зависимости от академического календаря.

Авторские права 2024, Источник грамотности, Все права защищены

Дизайн сайта LECK INC.

Источник грамотности

12360 Лейк-Сити-Уэй, северо-восток, офис № 301

Сиэтл, Вашингтон 98125


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