Conversation Circles Sign-up
Practice your English conversation skills online with other learners! Discuss relevant topics in small groups to gain self-confidence and improve your speaking and listening. (Levels 2-up).
These drop-in classes are for adults ESOL level 2-6 wanting to improve their everyday listening and speaking skills through conversation. This class practices conversations around a variety of daily life topics.
You do not need to enroll to take these classes. Sign-up for the day you want to attend either online or in person each week by clicking on the date and time below.
Conversation Classes are offered in partnership with The Seattle Public Library.
Sign-up to practice your conversation skills
In-person Classes:
Registration before class is not required. Sign in when you arrive.
Wednesday 1-2:30 pm at NewHolly Library (New Day/Time)
Thursday 4-5:30 pm at Northgate Library
Saturday 10:30 am-12 pm at Beacon Hill Library
Saturday 10:30 am-12 pm at Delridge Library

Online Conversation Circles use a secure Zoom classroom.
The teacher will send you a link before the session starts.
Click to watch a video to learn how to join Zoom using your phone:
For more information, please contact Sarah for more information, sarahg@literacysource.org.