36% of adults in King County are in need of literacy.
The Literacy Source Mission
Literacy Source partners with adults working to gain skills and education to create new opportunities for themselves, their families, and the community.

"Literacy Source gave me the confidence about my knowledge and computer skills, and that is why I got the job!"
Literacy Source Student

Changing Lives Through Literacy
Literacy Source is committed to providing free, accessible, high-quality adult literacy programs. Whether it's learning to read, write, or speak English, obtain a GED, prepare for citizenship, or gain digital literacy, we offer classes that learners need to obtain their goals.
Literacy Source Programs
We offer a wide variety of programs in multiple locations around King County and online. Roll over each program to learn more.
Hours Spent In The Classroom
Class Completion
Students Served
Different Languages Spoken
Chromebooks Provided to Students
Student Stories

Marim Angada
Born in Sudan, Marim Angada arrived in the United States in May 2017 to be with her husband. She has been studying with Literacy Source since 2019 and has spent three class quarters preparing to take the Citizenship Test. Click here to hear from Marim.

Rahima Namo
Rahima Namo is a student in our ESOL 4/5 class who has been studying at Literacy Source since April. She shared a powerful story about advocating on behalf of the residential community of Yesler Terrace, Seattle's first publicly subsidized housing community. Click here to hear from Rahima.

Ready to Work Student Spotlight
Amina and Anab are students in our Ready to Work class, which prepares students for getting a job, with a particular focus on English and Digital Literacy. Click here to read about what they like about the Ready to Work Class.